Sharing the color and wonder of fresh flowers and moments from life through my paintbrush.

Find your moment in paint at these fine art galleries

Enjoy each gallery link below to see available painting collections. Kristin’s paintings are all original works on archival canvas with professional materials, in a contemporary style ready to hang and become part of your living and working spaces. Explore a range of sizes and accessible price points for collectors and first time art buyers. Each gallery is happy to receive your calls, visits and inquiries, and guide each step of the way to bring color and art to your walls. When you see paintings that capture your eye, we invite you to give them a whirl! Seriously, did you know you can give paintings a try for a couple days, see how they feel in different times of light and day, move them around and experience first hand which speaks to your heart and home best. The gallery offers consultation and installation services to local collectors, and lovingly wrap with care for delivery to your home or work space.

Upcoming shows

May 2, 6 pm • ArtWorks Gallery Building Dedication and Gallery Grand Opening
May 11, 6–8 pm • O’Brien Gallery Crayons Matter Event
June 2, 11 am • Art in the Parking Lot at O’Brien Gallery to Benefit She Rocks for Cancer Support (Gallery Artist Demos & New Work)
June 27 • City Art Gallery Summer Salon Show
July 14 & 15 • City Art Gallery Coral Bay Club Show (Atlantic Beach, NC)